My job is about writing code, but that’s not true. My job is typing and making each keystroke count. Trying to save keystrokes every time by using keyboard shortcuts or tools that make the work faster and better is a niche I find very worthwhile researching.

My aim with this article is to help you save keystrokes by adopting better tooling and also improve your productivity and developer experience with some command-line interface CLI tools. I care about helping developers save more time by automating repetitive tasks in their everyday tasks.

Embracing the new wave of CLI tools will significantly reduce the time you spend clicking around to make things happen.


Things you need to know to understand this article include:

  • Familiarity with Powershell, CMD, and git bash terminals for Windows operating systems, as well as Bash, FISH, zsh, and items on Mac and Linux, respectively.
  • Access to CLI environments.


I will show you how I use CLI tools to improve my developer experience (DX) when creating a new GitHub repository, uploading images to Cloudinary, reducing the size of image files with Tinify API, and doing all my Netlify-related tasks.

At the end of this post, you will be able to:

  • Save time by automating repeated tasks.
  • Make life easy for you by avoiding lengthy and tedious styles of handling repetitive tasks.
  • Bring more joy to your workflow as you do those repetitive tasks you go through now and then.


CLI—Command Line Interface is a new wave of change, considering the number of tools released daily in the programming ecosystem. It’s a prompt always black(dark) in the background, where you give the computer an instruction in code to do the normal tasks computers are capable of doing.

osascript -e 'tell application "Google Chrome" to return URL of active tab of front window'

Can you guess what that instruction will do to the computer for mac users only?

It will display the URL of the active tab of your google Chrome.

Companies creating their own CLI to manage interactions with their services are gaining adoption lately. GitHub created hub and then gh. Netlify created netlify-cli(ntl). Heroku has its CLI to operate its services. The node package manager has tools like npm, npx, yarn, and pnpm to get the most out of its services. There is also a Cloudinary CLI, which you can use to interact with Cloudinary-related services.

A wide range of starter file generators run on the CLI: create-react-app, create-keystone-app, vue-cli, vite starter, and many more.

Improvement In Service Delivery

One common thing with all the tools I’ve listed above is that they did not start their service delivery business with CLI alone. They have built successful web businesses that many developers enjoy. To reach more people and make life easy for them, they created these CLI tools, which they believe will improve the Developer Experience (DX) of people using their service. Let us examine some of these tools one after the other.

gh - GitHub on Steriods

I wrote two articles about Hub and how it provides an extremely fast way to access GitHub from my terminal. Check them out here. The hub browse command saves me about 2 to 5 seconds of navigating to a browser, inputting a GitHub URL, and waiting for that URL to load. What does the hub browse command do? It opens the remote URL of the project you’re in the terminal. For more on hub commands, check out my post.

Hub brings GitHub to your terminal by extending Git. They call it an extension to the git commands you run, but in the real sense, Hub was more of an extension of git, giving you access to more git and GitHub commands.

After a while, the GitHub team announced a tool called GitHub CLI. Two of its selling prepositions include taking GitHub to the command line and 👋 goodbye context switching, hello 👋 terminal. Let us imagine a scenario together: John needs to create a GitHub repository for a new project he plans to share with his Manager at work the next day. He initializes a git repository, goes off to the browser to create a repository, and then returns to the terminal where he has been working on adding the GitHub URL of the repository to the local git history as git remote. Now, he can push the code to GitHub. How many minutes do you think John used to get a sharable GitHub URL containing his code? Well, at least 5 minutes, I assume.

Going back to the beginning of John’s story, instead of the context switching to a browser to create a repository, you can do all that and more with just a CLI command called gh. This command gives you access to all things GitHub, including access to gh api itself. All the API endpoints, both the rest version 4 and the graphql API. That is a lot of power, yet in little time, with excellent developer experience. The gh command is among my top 10 most used CLI commands. Let me share some of the gh commands I cannot do without.

# install Github CLI today right away.

# and start saving time.

gh repo create user/repo

gh gist create

gh git edit

gh pr list

ntl - Netlify From The Terminal

What is Netlify? It is a static site hosting powerhouse with lots of sweetness. A CI/CD from access to host directly from your GitHub account. Any push or pull request will rebuild your site instantly. They believe the future will be JAMstack on the edge with serverless functions to list a few. So imagine a CLI to access Netlify services. I can go to my admin dashboard with just a command. I can even host a static or JAMstack website directly from my terminal using the netlify-cli or ntl for short.

Here are some of the command line I run with netlify-cli.

ntl open:admin

ntl open:sites

ntl dev

ntl sites

ntl list

ntl link

cld - Cloudinary On The Terminal

A need to upload images happens to us all in this field, this CLI from Cloudinary is a vital tool in the box of any developers with the ease of uploading photos. You can perform Admin operations, the CLI gives me access to helper tools that make it possible to use the Cloudinary, offering features like transformations and optimizations.

I need to upload an image and get a URL copied to my clipboard.

cld uploader upload bejamas.png folder=personal use_filename=true | jq '.url' | pbcopy

The command above is a shell command that uploads an image (bejamas.png) to a cloud storage service using the cld uploader, processes the response with jq, and then copies the resulting URL to the clipboard. Here’s a further breakdown of each part:

cld uploader upload bejamas.png folder=personal use_filename=true: This command uploads the file bejamas.png to a folder named personal on the cloud. The option use_filename=true ensures that the original filename (bejamas.png) is preserved in the upload.

| jq '.url': After the upload, the JSON response from the cld uploader is piped into jq, a tool that processes JSON data. This command extracts the URL of the uploaded file by accessing the .url field in the JSON response.

| pbcopy: Finally, the resulting URL is piped into pbcopy, a macOS command that copies the output (in this case, the URL) to the clipboard. Use clip is you are on Windows.

It shows a few commands on how to set up CLD on your computer.

pip3 install Cloudinary-cli

# requires python to be installed

# set up your config with cloudinary secrets

# windows
set CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://123456789012345:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzA@cloud_name

# mac or linux
export CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://123456789012345:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzA@cloud_name

#show your config
cld config

cld search --help #search api

cld uploader #upload api

cld admin #admin operations

cld --help #show a usage helper

cld utils #show utils

Overall, Cloudinary CLI will offer many developer experience benefits to anyone who loves Cloudinary services.

Nodejs Package Managers

Node Package Managers are tools for managing different Nodejs versions installed on a local computer. I use a variant named nvm. The Nodejs version manager helps me install and manage several versions of Nodejs.

For installation of nvm on your computer, check this link.

nvm use 16

# Now using node v16.9.1 (npm v7.21.1)

node -v


nvm use 14

# Now using node v14.18.0 (npm v6.14.15)

node -v

# v14.18.0

nvm install 12

# Now using node v12.22.6 (npm v6.14.5)

node -v

# v12.22.6

The typical use case I run into is always having globally installed packages that I must carry to a new version installed. The script below helps me to do this conveniently.

# allow me to carry over my global npm package after any change of the version

nvm_use() {

  PREVIOUS_PACKAGES=$(npm ls --location=global --parseable --depth=0)

  nvm use ${NODE_NEW}

  ALL_PACKAGES=$(npm ls --location=global --depth=0)

  for PACKAGE in $(echo "$PREVIOUS_PACKAGES" | grep "/node_modules/[^npm]"); do
    if [ "$PACKAGE_IN_CURRENT_VERSION" = "" ]; then
      npm i --location=global $PACKAGE_NAME

zsh and git alias

zsh and git alias will make life easy for you as a developer because you can encapsulate recurring command line instructions you run repeatedly into shorter versions with an alias.

I choose to alias git with g because it saves me two keystrokes. The two keystrokes saved from git aliasing with g are multiplied by the number of times I run a git command daily. This type of Developer Experience doesn’t get talked about much, but it helps you save time on repeated commands.

To alias git with g:

alias g='git'

alias ga='git add'

alias gaa='git add .'

Instead of git, I can type g, which will behave like I used git. For file and folder manipulations, try this.

alias ~='cd ~'

alias .='cd ..'

alias ..='cd ../..'

alias ...='cd ../../..'

alias ....='cd ../../../..'

alias --='cd -'

alias ..l="cd ../ && ll"

alias cd..='cd ../'

alias ll="ls -1a"

alias la="ls -la"

zsh functions

We can take the zsh alias further with functions. Functions are abstract little processes in line of bash or zsh commands.

This helps me abstract git add, git commit, and git push. It was taken from Ahmad Awais’s open-source work, emoji-log.

# Git commit, Add all

function gcaz() {
  git add . && git commit \-m "$*"

# NEW.

function gnew() {
  gcaz "📦 NEW: $@"

Searching Through Your Terminal History

Searching your command line history will help you reach commands you have used before but cannot remember. It saves you the effort of googling. You may increase the history size to increase the number of commands that can be saved.

# history size






# share history across multiple zsh sessions


# append to history


# adds commands as they are typed, not at shell exit


# do not store duplications


This function will return a list of frequently used cli commands.

List the 10 most frequently used command

function historyTop () { history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq \-c | sort \-rn | head \-10 }

hg () {
  grep "$1" \~/.zsh\_history

alias h='HISTTIMEFORMAT= history 10 | cut \-c8-'

Learn How to Create CLI Apps

This deserves a mention in terms of the tool creation process and automating workflow with command-line apps. You can become a command-line developer as well—I mean one who is focused on creating tools that people use on the command line. Check out Ahmad Awais’s Node Cli course for learning. He created a tool to help automate the creation of CLI apps.


Improving Developer Experience with tools is becoming a fast domain, I just showed you some of the tools I use regularly to enhance my dev experience and save time (saving keystrokes).

If you have some tools that you use regularly that have improved your developer experience, kindly share them with me in the comments or on social media.