
The platform runs a graphql backend built with hasura, the data layer uses a postgres. The frontend is built with Nextjs and it uses Apollo Clinet for state management, and fetching data from the graphQL backend. The Technology stack is awesome and much more the platform is built to meeet optimal performace, web core vitals and met the need of the users.

My Role on the Project

  • Worked on it alone.
  • I designed and implemented the database (hasura, postgres, heroku).
  • I used GitHub Actions to handle the CI and CD.
  • I handled hosting on netlify.
  • Contributed to the frontend (Nextjs, Apollo Client, Emotion)
  • Implemnted the UI design from the figma file


Building an ecommerce prototype to experiment with modern web building tools like Nextjs, Hasura, GraphQL.I ensure that Eslint, prettier and Stylelint and TypeScript were all used to lint the codebase. I wrote unit test, integration tests and end to end tests with cypress and setup CI/CD pipeline to run the test on push or pull request updates. Measuring the web core vitals was key for both mobile and web. Ensured that the web core vital was 80+ in rating. Features like sorting, filtering and add to cart was implemented.